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WWE Raw Day 1 Results, Highlights & Winners (January 1, 2024): The Rock returns & hints feud with Roman Reigns

Published at :January 2, 2024 at 4:55 AM
Modified at :January 2, 2024 at 5:03 AM
Akash Dhanagaran

Akash Dhanagaran

The Rock returns & hints feud with, Seth Rollins & Rhea Ripley retains, Nia Jax crushed Becky Lynch and more!

The January 1, 2024 episode of Monday Night Raw New Year special edition WWE Raw Day 1 is officially over. It is one of the must watch show featuring pay-per-view caliber matches and segments. It is the first episode to kick of the year for WWE and there is no better way than this. Two championship matches and a big return happened tonight. Get to know what happened on Raw Day 1 as we came out with the complete match summary, highlights, results, ratings and winnes list.

WWE Raw Day 1 Summary & Highlights

Becky Lynch vs Nia Jax

“The Man” kicks of Monday Night Raw Day 1 with a singles match against Nia Jax. As soon as the match begun, both Becky and Nia are looking to finish the things off things too soon. Lynch looks for Manhandle slam and Jax look for the Samoan backdrop, however both couldn’t deliver. Lynch hits a step up enziguri and Jax deliver a powerslam. Jax hit a corner splash and Lynch fights back and take control with a top rope drop kick.

During the commercial, Becky delivered a sunset powerbomb and rollup for a win, bur Jax kicksout. Jax tried for a kick over the aprid, but landed hard. Lynch delivered a baseball slide kick and jumps on her, Nia caught her. Jax looks for a big right hand, but hit her hand on the ring post. Lynch uses the opportunity and drived Jax to the barricade. Lynch enters the ring for a count out victory but Jax broke it before the last count.

Lynch delivered a leg drop from the top rope, but not enough. Lynch looks for a disarmer and arm lock but Jax countered it with a power bomb, Lynch kicks out. Jax looks for an annihilator, but Becky caught her and climbed for a man handle slam, but Jax countered it with a top rope Samoan drop. As Becky kicks out, and fights back, Jax hit her with a big right hand and delivered annihilator for the win.

Winner: Nia Jax Ratings: 4/5

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes came out with a wrestling gear and his powerbelt, possibly looking for a fight with Shinsuke Nakamura. However he took the microphone and welcomed the WWE Universe to Raw Day 1. He says that he is stuck with Shinsuke Nakamura and looks to finish things with him tonight. He calls out Nakamura to the ring for a fight right now.

Nakamura appeared on the big screen and cut a promo on him. Nakamura doesn’t wanna have fight tonight, but will have a match against him, where Nakamura will finish the story and close the book of Cody.

Ratings: 4/5

Kofi Kingston & Jey Uso vs The Imperium

Kofi Kingston and Giovanni Vinci started the match and Vinci twists Kofi’s hand and Kofi deivered a standing splash. Vinci fights back and delivered a running crossbody. Vinci took Kofi to their corner and tagged Ludwig Kaiser and he takes control of the match. Kofi delivered a middle rope drop kick, Kaiser roles out. As Kofi looked for a suicide dive, Vinci brags his leg and Impreium took Kofi down before the commercial.

After the commercial, Kofi and Vinci were on the ring and Kofi delivered a drop kick of flying Vinci and the match was stopped in between as Vinci is being checked by the doctor and declared Jey Uso and Kofi Kingston as the winners by referee stoppage.

Winner: Kofi Kingston & Jey Uso Ratings: 3/5

Miz Tv with Judgment Day

The first edition of Miz Tv in 2024. Miz calls out Judgment Day and Judgment Day theme plays out, but R Truth comes to the ring. Trutch claims that he is the most likely one in the Judgment Day. Miz asks is he alone and Truth said that he is back with little Jimmy.

Truth says that Damian Priest intro of Judgment Day and has his seat. Truth claims that he looks to make Judgment Day as one of the likeable faction in WWE.

JD McDonagh and Dominik Mysterio comes to the ring to stop Truth. Truth said that he doesn’t want to cut Dom’s mic and says that McDonagh is not even in The Judgment Day after losing the 34th Street fight. Dom takes the mic and gets a huge boo! from his home crowd.

Dom then challenged Miz and Truth for a tag team match. The New year reunion of “Awesome Truth”. Truth is confused who his tag team partner is.

The Miz & R Truth vs JD McDonagh & Dominik Mysterio

During the commercial the match begun and Truth took control of McDonagh and he clearly had the initial control. However as Truth tries to tag Dom, McDonagh took him out and tagged Dom. Dom delivered a 619 and Truth rolls out.

After the commercial, Miz tags in and delivered his signature clothesline and crossbody slam. Truth stood on Judgment Day corner and got the tag from McDonagh. Both argue in the middle of the ring, McDonagh asked Truth to hit The Miz with his hands locked, but Truth punches McDonagh and Miz delivered a Skull Crushing Finale on McDonagh for the win.

Winner: The Miz & R Truth Ratings: 4/5

Women’s World Championship match- Rhea Ripley (C) vs Ivy Nile

The match began as both lock their shoulders and Rhea pulled her down. Ivy looks to lift Rhea, but she escapes a d took her down once again. Rhea kicks her off and bears her back. Nile delivered a hurricanrana and german suplex on Rhea. She slides out and commercials hit.

During the commercial, Ripley planted Nile’s face to the apron. As Rhea looks to deliver another, she escapes and delivered a German-suplex. Nile then hit a kick to the face, a famouser and a tornado DDT. Rhea fights back with a head-butt and missile drop kick from the top rope.

Ripley looks for a riptide, but Nile counters with a shoulder throw, but not enough for a pinfall. Ripley fights back by stomping her face to the ground and hit a slam driving face first to the mat.

Ripley took Nile to the top rope for a super-plex, but Nile fights back and hit a german suplex from the second rope. Nile went to the top rop and looks for a cross body, but Ripley hit her with a head butt, knee to the face and Riptide for the win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley Ratings: 4/5

Former WWE Champion’s return

Jinder Mahal came to ring and states that he is the returning former WWE Champion. He adressed the disappointment of the WWE Universe. Mahal says that the company had seen 50 WWE Champions and he is on the top of the list. Mahal says that the country is not united and he will make them united.

The Rock returns

As mahal continued to disrespect the people of San Diago, The People’s Champ returned. The Rock has made his return to Raw and started ranting Mahal straight away. The Rock said that Jinder is in trouble tonight. The Rock agrees that Jinder Mahal is not the Iron Shiek and roasts The Modern Day Maharaja on behalf of Iron Shiek.

He explains why Jinder Mahal is hetting booed and the whole talk went in censor. The Rock says that if he was his movie, he would probably be the Baywatch, but Mahal says that he never warched Baywatch. Rock says that it doesn’t matter… Rock says that he is not the Modern Day Maharaja, but is the Day 1 Douche bag and the WWE Universe rants him.

The Rock sang his version of the Narional Anthem for Jinder Mahal, roasts him and Jinder attacked The Rock. The Rock fought back, delivered a spine burster, and people’s elbow.

The Rock says that he is hungry and looks to eat and asks the WWE Universe “Should the Rock sit at the booth, should the Rock sit at the bar, or should the Rock sit at the ‘Head of the Table'”.

Ratings: 4.5/5

Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark vs Natalya & Tegan Nox

Natalya and Zoey Stark started the match and Natalya hit the initial strike. Within minutes Zoey and Baszler turned the momentum to their side. After the commercial, Tegan Nox dominate Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark. Baszler hit her wirh a roundhouse kick and looks to pin, Natalya breaks the pin. Zoey tags in, Baszler delivered a suplex on Nox & Zoey delivered Z360 on Nox for the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark Ratings: 2.5/5

World Heavyweight Championship- Seth “Freakin” Rollins (C) vs Drew McIntyre

Seth Rollins hit a big boot to Drew McIntyre as soon as the match began. Drew fighta back, but Rollins took McIntyre down and delivered a suicide dive. Drew fights back and looks for a alabama slam, but Rollins escaped slide kicks. Rollins went for a suicide dive, but McIntrye caught him and delivered a german suplex.

Both exchange chops after the commercial, and Drew took the advantage. Both exchange punches to the face and Drew delivered a backbreaker. McIntyre took Rollins for the top rope and Rollins slides and caught him for a powerbomb, but McIntyre escapes.

Rollins sends McIntyre out and hit him wirh a suicide dive. Rollins took back in and hit a tornado DDT and a frog splash, but not enough for a pinfall. Rollins delivered a vertical super-plex from the top rop and when looking for the follow-up falcon arrow, McIntyre took him with a vertical suplex.

After the commercial, McIntyre delivered a white noise from the middle rope on Rollins, but not enough for the pinfall. McIntyre chops Rollins and Rollins strikes back with a couple of kicks to the face and mid section. Rollins looks for a curb stomp, McIntyre converts it into a future shock DDT. Drew looks for a Claymore, Rollins escapes. Rollins hit a moonsault on Rollins, hit a super kick and pedigree.

As Rollins looks for a pinfall, Damian Priest came out with the MITB briefcase to cash in. As referee is distracted, Priest hit Rollins with the briefcase and went to the referee. Drew hit Priest with the claymore and took Dom out with a suplex.

Drew then went to deliver a claymore and pinfall, but Rollins leg landed on ropes. Drew took him through the announcement table, but Rollins delivered a pedigree on him and took him back to the ring stomps him and retains.

Winner: Seth Rollins Ratings: 4.5/5

Raw Day 1 Results

  • Nia Jax defeated Becky Lynch by pinfall.
  • Kofi Kingston & Jey Uso defeated Imperium by referee stoppage.
  • The Miz & R Truth defeated JD McDonagh & Dominik Mysterio.
  • Rhea Ripley defeated Ivy Nile to retain the Women’s World Championship.
  • The Rock returned, people elbowed Jinder Mahal hints match with Roman Reigns.
  • Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark defeated Natalya & Tegan Nox.
  • Seth Rollins defeated Drew McIntyre to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

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